Category: Promo

Amount: GHS 1.00

Activation code: START to 5300

Status: Ended


The Airtel Pay Day SMS Promotion is carried out for promotion of the services rendered by Airtel. Daily, weekly and final prize winners are determined via a top scorer mechanism. In order for a player to be eligible for the daily or weekly prize he/she must have sent at least one billed SMS or have been successfully charged in the subscription service on that day or week.

Daily winners will get GHS500 in cash, weekly winners will get GHS2,000 and final prize is GHS40,000.

There will be two surprise prizes throughout the Promotional Game. The surprise prize is determined as an additional prize. On selected days during the Promotion duration, surprise prizes, in the form of electronic gadgets will be awarded to the participants who have collected the highest number of points until the day of each surprise prize awarding.

To participate in the Promotional Game the participant must: Send an SMS containing any keyword (apart from “STOP”) to the Short Code 5300 (charged GHS1 incl. tax). Alternatively subscribers will be able to register in the campaign by using the free short code 5100. This option will only be available after special SMS invitation.

In order to know one's score; each participant can send an SMS with keyword “SCORE” to the Short Code 5100 (Free of charge).

For terms and conditions see: