Category: Promo

Amount: GHS -----

Activation code: *536#

Status: Ongoing


Samsung Device Offer is a promotional package for all Samsung mobile phones purchasers between the period of February 12, 2019 to February 11, 2020 which allows them to enjoy AirtelTigo data (MB/GB) and minutes for AirtelTigo calls.

The data and minutes for each subscriber vary according to the price of the Samsung mobile phone purchased.

In the first month of purchase of a Samsung device, a subscriber can trigger the offer for free by dialing *536#. However, for the subsequent months a subscriber must appropriately recharge as shown in below to get the offer. This offer is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.

Device Price Range (GHS) -- Data (MB) -- Free Onnet Voice Minutes -- Recharge Trigger (GHS)

<200 -- 250 -- 100 -- 2

200.01 – 500 -- 500 -- 500 -- 5

500.01 – 1000 -- 1,024 -- 1,000 -- 10

>1,000.01 – 2,000 -- 1,500 -- 1,500 -- 10

2,000+ -- 2,048 -- Unlimited (5,000 FUP) -- 15