Category: Service

Amount: GHS -----

Activation code: *170#

Status: Ongoing


MTN Mobile Money is a fast, simple, convenient, secure and affordable way of transferring money, making payments and doing other transactions using a mobile phone. The service is offered by MTN in partnership with 10 banks. You can use MTN Mobile Money to send and receive money, top-up MTN airtime, pay bills (DStv, ECG Postpaid, MTN Postpaid, School fees, etc.), buy & pay for insurance, pay for airline tickets and other goods and services. No need to travel far or wait impatiently to receive or send money. Register with a valid photo ID today and enjoy the ease and convenience this service offers.

What you get:

- Pay your bills online or through your phone
- Recharge your credit easily
- Transfer money to your loved ones without going to the bank
- It’s secured and it’s fast

How to register:

You can own an MTN MobileMoney wallet by going through 6 easy steps and enjoy the benefits of a whole new financial experience - ease, convenience, speed and security.

1. With a valid photo ID card (Voter ID, Drivers’ License, Passport)go to the nearest MTN MobileMoney Authorised Merchant
2. The Merchant captures your personal details and gives you a MobileMoney SIM card.
3. Insert your MobileMoney SIM in your phone. You will receive an SMS asking you to register
4. Go to “My MTN” on your mobile phone and select “Mobile Money”
5. Select “Register” and enter your photo ID type and number
6. Select and repeat MobileMoney PIN (4 digits)

You will receive a welcome message on your phone.
(Please keep this MobileMoney PIN confidential)

For more info: