Category: Promo

Amount: GHS 0.30

Activation code: WIN to 405

Status: Ended


Tigo Win Distin promo is a top up promo which enables customers to gain points after every recharge. Tigo Win Distin promo also randomly rewards customers with instant cash prizes of GHC 100, GHC 50, GHC 20, GHC 10 and GHC 5.

Customers who do not win cash will still maintain their points which will be used in rewarding them in the SMS promo.

In the SMS promo, customers are invited to subscribe to Winners Club for exclusive advantages. All you have to do is reply with WIN and join the promo. There is a daily charge of 30p. However 25p, 20p, 15p, 10p and 5p will be accepted depending on customer’s available balance.

Prizes include:

-- Daily

First = GHC 200, Second = GHC 200

-- Weekly

First = GHC 500, Second = GHC 300, Third = GHC 200

-- Monthly

First = GHC 50,000, Second = GHC 30,000, Third = GHC 20,000

To subscribe, send WIN/START/PLAY to the short code 405. You can check your daily points by sending POINTS DAY to 405 and POINTS WEEK to 405 for weekly points.

Please note;
Daily winners cannot win twice in a week.
Weekly top winners can only win once in a month but can win either 2nd or 3rd place during that particular month.